Thursday, May 16, 2013

ART IN BERLIN 1880-1980 PRESENTATION OF THE COLLECTION at Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany

ART IN BERLIN 1880-1980
The Berlinische Galerie collects art produced in Berlin since 1870. From now on, the museum will be presenting internationally acclaimed works from the fields of painting, graphic art, sculpture, photography and architecture in exhibition architecture designed by the Berlin architectural office of David Saik.

The chronological presentation of our masterpieces in an area of 1,500 square metres reflects the interdisciplinary orientation of the collection and communicates an exciting dialogue among different artistic styles: Art around 1900, Expressionism, Berlin Dada, the Eastern European Avant-Garde, New Objectivity, Art in the National Socialist Era, the New Beginning after 1945 and Positions of the 1950s.

Selection of artists: Anton von Werner, Max Liebermann, Heinrich Zille, Max Beckmann, Ludwig Meidner, Hannah Höch, Raoul Hausmann, Iwan Puni, Otto Bartning, Naum Gabo, El Lissitzky, Otto Dix, Jeanne Mammen, Martha Astfalck-Vietz, Erich Salomon, Felix Nussbaum, Karl Hofer, Georgij Petrussov, Werner Heldt, Hans Uhlmann, Hermann Henselmann, Hans Scharoun, Fred Thieler, Georg Baselitz, Eugen Schönebeck, K.H. Hödicke, Ralf Schüler und Ursulina Schüler-Witte, Georg Heinrichs, Michael Schmidt

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